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The website www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr is a house rental website (hereinafter referred to as the website), with the Discretionary title “BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE.

The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the website with the trademark www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr which is located at the online address www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr Every user who enters and transacts or makes use of services of the website (hereinafter referred to as "visitor" and/or "user" or "customer" depending on whether it is limited to visiting the store only or ordering and selling products and services) is deemed to consent and unconditionally accept the following conditions which are formulated here, without any exception.

General terms

The COMPANY reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online store, whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any change, through the pages of this website. Contracts through the website are drawn up in the Greek language.

Information provided

The COMPANY is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information listed on the website www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr, both in terms of the exact information displayed and the services provided, subject to any technical or typographical errors, which cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally or interruptions of the website due to force majeure. He is entitled to correct them whenever he becomes aware of their existence.

Intellectual property rights

All the content of the website, including distinctive titles, marks, images, graphics, photos, designs, texts, etc. are the intellectual property of the COMPANY and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek Law, European Law and International conventions or intellectual property of third parties for which the COMPANY has obtained a license to use for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the website. Any copying, transfer or creation of a derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the real provider of the website is prohibited. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any manner or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and distinguishing features listed and described on the website with the trademark (www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr) or the products or services of the COMPANY or third parties are the property of the COMPANY or third parties parties respectively, protected by relevant Trademark & Intellectual Property laws. Their use in the online store does not under any circumstances grant a license or right to use them by third parties.

User responsibility

The user agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of the website as provided by law and based on the rules of good faith and commercial ethics.

Links to the website www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr

The links included on the website lead to the pages of the store or in some cases lead the user to go from it (online store) to the websites of third party providers, businesses, etc.

These linked websites are not under the control of the COMPANY and the COMPANY bears no responsibility for the contents of any such website or any link contained in a linked website, or any changes or updates to such websites. COMPANY is not responsible for internet broadcasts or any form of transmission received from any linked website. The COMPANY provides these links in its online store, only for the convenience of using the website and information. Their use is not mandatory for the visitor/customer and the fact that they appear on the website does not indicate that the COMPANY approves or accepts their content.

Personal information

In order to use the website, it is necessary for you to disclose some of your personal information. In order to place an order, you will be asked for your full name, address, the address to which you want the products for sale to be shipped, your phone number, your email address, etc. and in case you choose payment by credit card and its number, expiry date and code. By entering your e-mail address, you accept that all notifications to you necessary for the completion of your order can also be made to your stated e-mail address.


You can change the personal data at any time, if there is a reason that you have notified us, or limit or cancel the use of some of these data.

This information is not made known to third parties inside or outside the EU, nor is it used for any other purpose and only for reasons related to your transactions with us (except where provided by the Law to the competent authorities only) and is protected by the most modern security methods.

All data is stored on the server that hosts our website.

Your use of our website and the submission of your personal data implies your consent. Regarding the collection, storage and processing of your personal data, it is done in accordance with the terms stated in the personal data protection policy, in accordance with the European Legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - REGULATION (EU) 2016/679.

By completing your details, the database maintained by our company with all users is automatically updated. You keep this database until you delete it. No processing is done and it only serves to identify the products ordered in the event that you request technical support or any other relevant question.

In case you wish to delete the account, please send an e-mail to the address info@blue-aegean-maisonette.gr


The company BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum security. All information related to your personal information and transactions is secure and confidential. The security of the website of the company BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE is achieved by the following methods:

Customer Identification

There are two codes used to identify you:

a) The Login Code (e-mail or username) and

b) The Personal Secret Security Code (password),

which every time you register them provide you access to your personal information with complete security.

You are allowed to change your Personal Secret Security Code (password) as often as you wish. The only one who has access to your information is you through the above codes and you are solely responsible for maintaining its secrecy and hiding it from third parties. In case of its loss or leakage, you should notify us immediately, otherwise the website of the BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE company is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password at regular intervals and avoid using the same and easily detectable passwords (eg date of birth).

Securing the Privacy of the Transfer of Your Personal Data

To ensure the confidentiality of the data transfer, we use the SSL-128bit encryption protocol.


Wherever you enter personal data on the site (password, addresses, telephone numbers, credit cards, etc.) there is 128-bit SSL encryption.

Confidentiality of Transactions

Privacy is taken for granted. All information transmitted by the user/member is confidential and the BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE company has taken all the necessary measures so that it is used only to the extent that this is deemed necessary in the context of the services provided. Some of the measures taken are the following:

The company BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from you or this is required by a Court Decision or a decision of another Public Authority.

In the event that the BLUE AEGEAN MAISONETTE company uses third parties to support its systems, it takes care to ensure privacy.

You can request any data kept about you as well as their correction to the email: Info@blue-aegean-maisonette.gr.

Secure Transactions

THE www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr secures account holders' information from being used by unauthorized actors or Robotic Mechanisms. Access to the account is carried out using unique and individual codes that only the owner knows and constitutes the identity of the account. This combination proves to www.blue-aegean-maisonette.gr that access to the owner's account comes exclusively from the owner of the account.

All remote services are accessed by entering the owner's e-mail and password each time they enter their account information or to make a transaction. Do not share your account credentials with anyone. If your password is believed to have been learned you can change it at any time.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These terms of use, the use of the website as well as transactions through it, are governed by Greek Law. In the event that any of these terms and conditions are deemed invalid or voidable, this invalidity will not affect the validity of the other terms. Competent for the resolution of any dispute arising from the use of the website or regarding the interpretation or application of these terms of use or on the occasion thereof are the Courts of Thessaloniki.

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